A Travellerspoint blog

Playing Catch Up

Yes, I have been lazy. Yes, I have let this blog get WAAAAAY behind.

Nothing says, "You have time to catch up, my friend," like being stuck at home during a pandemic!

So...for those loyal followers that are still here, it's time to play catch up.

I am doing my best to get some work done, and will try to get caught up on about a year and half worth of travel, but my current co-workers are somewhat distracting.


Staying home and staying safe. I hope you are doing the same!

Obviously, all our immediate travel plans are ON HOLD, so let's revisit where we've been.

Stay tuned and we'll do some virtual travel since none of us can do the real thing.

Posted by vicki_h 07:51

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Yay!! SO READY for some virtual travel stories!!!

by Twolittlebirds

Keep well, Vicki!

by Vic_IV

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