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By Popular Demand....What's Up Next????

a.k.a. The Neurotic Travel Planner's Sanity Guide

Are you a travel planner or are you more of a "wing it" type of person? I am definitely a planner.

I genuinely overdo everything. "Is today your birthday? Look! I made you a birthday cake with a fondant sculpture of your face." "It's girls night! I made a list of all the places we can go along with a precisely timed itinerary and a breakdown of prices and suggested tips. Isn't that FUN?" "Potluck dinner? I made a 19 layer salad with hand foraged mushrooms and dressing that I made from my own herbs. I also made special pottery bowls to serve it in. Surprise!"

I just HATE when things suck. So when I’m planning a trip, I spend a neurotic and unhealthy amount of time trying to prevent any sucky elements from disappointing me during my travels.

It works.

This means that I typically have a travel calendar planned nearly a year in advance. This keeps me sane.

I know, I know. This is unhealthy. I need to get a life.

In the meantime, enjoy taking a peek at what we have coming up!

(I apologize in advance for photos shamelessly pirated from the internet)

FLIP THIS HOUSE: GUANA CAY EDITION....tune in as Matt and Vicki try to turn a beach house into their own little piece of paradise....with a special bonus edition: a side trip to Eleuthera!


Girls Trip to Asheville: 8 Women, 3 beds....it has to be interesting.


Getting our hiking fix at the hike-in only Charit Creek Lodge in Big South Fork: It's not Montana, but it'll do.


Tortola, BVI: It's time for a trip to the Virgin Islands that doesn't include Mothers in Law.....


Honduras: Yes, I said Honduras. I know it's the murder capital of the world, but it also has this awesome deserted island where Matt and I will spend 3 days alone and either have the time of our lives or commit a murder/suicide out of boredom. That will be followed by 4 days in an awesome villa on Roatan to make us forget what it was like to live without electricity or ice cubes.


Matt's Big 5-0 Blowout on Jost Van Dyke: 16 Friends on the barefoot island....how awesome is that?


Plus a regular smattering of weekend trips just to keep things interesting. Stay tuned, friends, it's going to be a helluva good time!

Posted by vicki_h 16:47 Archived in USA

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Sounds like an amazing year!! LOVE Guana, hoping to take boat to Abaco's next June and leave for a month with weekend trips all month!! LOVE Jost, one of my favorite places in the world. (Where are you staying? My husband's 50th is in 2 years and thinking about it. We did 48ft charter for a friends 50th in BVI)

by chanmc

With a group of 16, we needed lots of room! We will be staying at Escape Villa http://escape2bvi.com and Pink House Bougainvillea http://pinkhousebvi.com. Escape is the newer sister property to the Pink Houses. I can't recommend these properties enough. The owner is fantastic to work with.

by vicki_h

I screamed, and laughed, in delight when I saw the post! Thank you so much! It all sounds amazing and I can't wait to read about it!

by TiffanyR

Congrats on Guana Cay! Can't wait to read about your adventures on the process. And, anticipate seeing you document your other upcoming travels...always a hoot & never boring! Safe travels

by pmccmb

Went to Roatan a few years ago, LOVED it! Couldn't get enough of it. The water is incredible, sea life everywhere, and hot hot hot. They were going through a hot spell due to a hurricane off coast, which when the locals say it's hot you know you're in trouble, or at least this pale Seattle Girl is in trouble. The only solution was to never get out of the water which wasn't a bad way to spend a week. Looking forward to following your adventures. Thanks for sharing.

by DarleneS

Vicki, I need your help. We have vacationed on St. John every year for the past 6 years. I am always interested in trying a different island in the Caribbean but can't seem to give up lovely St. John. We've island hopped in the BVI but only quick stops via a tour. I'm not a resort person. If you were me, where would you head to next?

by Talleyho

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