A Travellerspoint blog

Highcountry365.com take two!

Guess who got to do another guest blog on Highcountry365.com? Please pay them a visit:


What's up next? Looks like the winter months will be taking us back to Guana Cay, to Key West, and to New Orleans. Stay tuned!

Posted by vicki_h 11:16 Archived in USA

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So happy when I see you have updated your blog! It takes me away for a little while each time! I always love where you go (except Brazil!) as we have been to many of your destinations as well. Can't wait for more updates. I grew up in Nola and am there very often. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you! Happy travels, Angele

by Twolittlebirds

Angele...tell me your favorite places to eat in Nola!

by vicki_h

You do the best travel reports on the web. My daughter and I love your photography! You and your excellent husband have a great holiday season.

by dave230

Check your inbox.

by Twolittlebirds

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